Solo show curated by Ana Rito
Carlos Carvalho Arte Contemporânea is pleased to present the first solo exhibition of the artist José Maçãs de Carvalho at the gallery. Following exhibitions such as Arquivo e Nostalgia (2012), Arquivo e Domicílio (2014), Arquivo e Melancolia (2016), Arquivo e Vestígio (2016) or Arquivo e Democracia (2017), CONTRATEMPO, in a dialectical logic, between continuity and interruption, proposes to relate images, words, bodies and places, narratives that contain other narratives within themselves, necessarily transtemporal. This exhibition crosses the archive to place itself "in front of the image" (in a reference to Georges Didi-Huberman) in order to think of it as a contact surface, as a veil or mist that exercises (in)visibility and the imminence of its (un)appearance. For the artist, to be in front of an image is to be in front of time(s); it is to cross it in order to go from one end to the other, not knowing what is beyond the gaze. From traces to traces, from remnants to remnants, José Maçãs de Carvalho archives are imprinted on surfaces (screens) as a symptom, projected on photographs as well as on video installation.